social experiment ... lockdown style

Social experiment (lockdown style...)

Through a recent Social experiment (before lockdown) I will be using Anonymous surveys to give to my Models. This is so I can gain further data to go towards my research on how people feel or think about their own bodies.
But Due to social community constrictions, such as New Zealand going into lockdown due to the COVID-19 virus out-break. I am now having to create a new social experiment - This consist of my models of having to draw themselves naked and sending me through the drawing so I can interpret their own personal perspective. Then painting/drawing of my own interpretation of their bodies from their perspective.
I also did get the "Ok" (release form I sent to them consenting on the use of their drawings) to post their drawings and to compare them to my own. As it gives them comfort to know that their drawings will not be taken out of context and to make them feel comfortable with their own perspective of their drawings. Also on an ethical basis even though it is a drawing, it's still in a way like "sending a nude" as such but as their own drawing.
The results:
First model - 

Left: The models perspective

Right: My perspective of their perspective.

I was quite interested to see that this model added in her scars and emphasized them. It gives a sense of connection to the drawings that people with all shapes and sizes, scars, stretch marks or any kind of mark for that matter - where all the same and we all have the same flaws. It's either you want to call it a flaw or find the beauty out of it

and emphasize it in some way.

Second model - 

Left: The models perspective

Right: My perspective of their perspective.

I also took an angled image to highlight the stretch marks. I wanted to very much show them as the model emphasized them In her own drawing.

I also tried to keep it very similar to what she thinks her proportions are. Giving the drawing a slight realism to the bodies and lifting it off the 2D flat platform. Almost creating it as it is moving in a certain way or perspective.

The second model as she drew herself in two different views one frontal view and one side view.

Left: The models perspective

Right: My perspective of their perspective.

She again emphasized her stretch marks - So I made sure they were emphasized in my drawing as well. To keep the rawness of her own perspective.

Third model - 

Left: The models perspective

Right: My perspective of their perspective.

Back view - 

Interestingly enough that she wanted her partner to draw her back as she felt that was her best feature. I also drew the back of her head as I felt that it looked a bit strange having a body with no head in that particular view. I have now felt that I need to try and find ways of not cutting off the head as such, but ways trying to hide the head to not show it in the image/painting or drawing.

Overall the outcome of this experiment resulted very beneficially to my research as it was quite interesting that the second model highlighted what most perceive as there flaws ( the stretch marks etc) along with the first model wanting to show the scars on her leg. I feel as though it is quite empowering to the drawing as it creates a certain sense of collectability to the drawings 


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