Trans-media story telling part 1

Trans-media storytelling -

What is transmedia storytelling? and how does it relate to my work?

This is basically transmedia- storytelling using multiple and different platforms. Providing different entry points to gain more information and accessibility to the story being told. Giving more levels of entry for further participation and collaboration into the world that the story is being involved in. Relating this to my own artwork - art always has a story to tell or a question to answer. Using Transmedia storytelling will further gain information and access to what my works are about and bring a further audience to access my work.

The power of story - An experiment was undertaken by a group of artist's ( to get random insignificant objects and to create a story about these objects to see how much they would be auctioned off for, with the help of the captivating the audience with the story "made-up" story behind these objects. for example below -

They brought a fake banana from a thrift shop and added a comic behind it to tell a story and the fake banana auctioned off for $76. Thus gaining further knowledge about where the banana is from or been due to the story being told behind it. Stories gain interest therefor STORIES SELL!

Synergy - 

Basically synergy in my terms is fitting the story in either a movie, game or book to fit into the same world. StarWars does this really well through different networks and making the games, books, movies all fit in. with different access point such as keeping some of the access into the world free and easily accessible. Another good example is harry potter - with all the cosplay, fan art, fan movies, websites, and blogs, etc... 

This is where user experience and accessibility come in with the use of different networking platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YoutTube, Blogger, Skype and more... To gain further access points for the media that is being displayed and further marketed.

Participation and collaboration also come into effect such as the collaborative piece "WasteLand" - Basically, a collaborative community piece filmed for over nearly three years. with the use of a renowned artist Vik Muniz. Who creates photographs of community people and creating his work out of recycled objects or rubbish to create massive portraits out of the rubbish and recycled objects.


Convergence and Spreadability -

Convergence is basically using different vantage points with the online world and using technology with the physical real thing and connecting it to unholdable or untouchable online world - Giving the story another access point.

Spreadability is the cycle of owned properties (in this case my artwork) - to the earnt properties, such as newspapers, reviews, interviews, likes and shared. - To the Audience, what the audience and viewers are taking out of it. And then finally ending the cycle with Social properties, Such as different networking platforms as I explained before with Facebook, Twitter etc...


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