
Outline of the Dissertation:

” Warped thinking” body dysmorphia – metamorphism body types, blending, twisting elaborating on last years work with males and females

·         Outline of proposed key question
How can I use self-reflection of the human form – male or female – to portray the idea of self-reflect warping the way we as people think about ourselves.
How can I use painting as a medium to explore body dysmorphia by depicting diverse nude bodies?

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”

·         Definition of proposed key terms associated with questioning

Body dysmorphia (BDD) (Clinic, 2019) – A mental health disorder common with most people who constantly can’t stop thinking about themselves as being perceived as defected or have major flaws with one’s appearances. A minor flaw that appears or that this flaw can’t be seen by others. They may feel ashamed, embarrassed, may avoid social events or situations and feel anxious about one’s self.

Metamorphosis – The term metamorphosis comes from the idea of morphing or transforming different subjects into another and creating this shape-shifting form (Abrahams, 1998)and is relevant to my practice as I am using metamorphism to blend and twist and connect the paintings of the nude bodies together male and female.

·         Rationale – explanation of why the topic is of interest

To explore and raise awareness of the pressure to conform to body stereotypes through painting diverse nude bodies and how they are connected by a body dysmorphic ideology. Unrealistic views of their own bodies.

·         Methodology – explanation of the proposed methodology employed

Transmedia storytelling – 1 sentence to explain what this is and how this relates to your project.

The use of storytelling applying multiple and different platforms. Providing different entry points to gain more information and accessibility to the story being told. Giving more levels of entry for further participation and collaboration into the world that the story is being involved in (Jenkins, 2007) . Relating this to my own artwork, art always has a story to tell or a question to answer. Using Transmedia storytelling will further gain information and access to what my works are about and bring a further audience to access my work.

·         Outline of the proposed approach to documentation

Through practice based-research and active documentation – Blogging – with blogging people can read and give feedback to help me further my research. Also blogging as a vehicle to document the project’s journey.

·         Statement of proposed main arguments

·         Organization – outlines how research may be organized                 

·         Proposal of six arguments to support project questioning.
Practice-based research is used in the project in conjunction with active documentation.
Body dysmorphia affects both men and women but is not frequently discussed.
Painting can be used as a medium to explore the connection between people who have a warped sense of their own body.
Photographic documentation is interpreted into painting to give an anonymous voice to those who see their own bodies as not meeting society’s expectations.
Reflective surfaces are used to reinforce how the participants vision of their own bodies can become warped as a result of social conditioning.
My process of engaging participants demonstrates the prevalence of body dysmorphia in the community.

·         Proposed references/examples to support each argument.
Artist models/quotes…

·         Proposes the relevance of each reference/example to argument.
Example relevance to the argument

·         Restates/summarizes arguments

·         Outlines key points from the body

·         Proposes possible implications of findings
Providing people as a platform to be naked – people are participating in that kind of process and are wanting to be a part of that process.
The painting process evolves the painting starts to become combined. Connecting physically and mentally through painting and participants. – Fragmented the body and emphasizing the dysmorphic way of seeing. Dysmorphia starts in the mirror and becomes fragmented – serves to be anonymous – all bodies become the same. All presented as on and therefore becomes all of us. Not having a face makes it easier to identify with themselves and not about particular people.

Isolating each body part - fragment their own bodies what they like and what they don’t like.
BOTCH - example, social mental experiment. With their bodies, pressure.
Naked attraction – completely anonymous and fragmented – range of bodies, not just one body type, body confidence. All the bodies we see in the media are idealized bodies.


Abrahams, S. (1998). EPPH. Retrieved from EPPH:
Clinic, M. (2019, February 7). Mayo Clinic. Retrieved from Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER).:
Jenkins, H. (2007, March 21). Henry Jenkins. Retrieved from Squarespace:


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