Art Theory, BVA313,

Art Theory, BVA313, week 14

 The idea of the Gaze or perspective:

Identify issues of Gaze within your own artwork:
  • As my work in theory is about Viewership rather than authorship I guess it is about what the viewer thinks and his or her gaze is about. As My work shows the Female body and form a lot more than and the portraiture side of things the male gaze maybe more influenced in my work.

Where do issues of "Gaze" and "power" intersect in your own work?

What is an example of "Male gaze" in current culture?

What is and example of the 'Female gaze" in current culture?

Read Laura Mulvey's essay Visual Pleasure. Summarize and respond to her work.

Annotate means critical or explainable notes.

Annotating texts - this could be articals, texts, books, videos, you tube etc...

How artists explore identity | Modern Art & Ideas

 The idea of identity comes up a lot in my works and other artists works. Such as how they explain Frida Khalo's works. They are created from events in her life which form the bases of her works.

In comparison to my works, they are very much influenced by the idea of my upbringing and the major emotional effects that happen in my own life.

Identity? a surrealist answer

A quote from miggrette above. The idea I take from this is that he is trying to show that identity could be a mystery based on my works i can take that into account as the identity of the sister-hood is based up of three character's creating this new and improved form of identity.

Audiences feedback

The public has been through my studio, Asked how they feel and what they think about the paintings.
“They look very vulnerable within themselves. Like a new identity is being born with the shape, the feeling of the mind and the soul.” - Sarah Nicholson.

“Very intense with a feeling of emotional vulnerability.” – Unknown person of the public.

Viewership and heuristic thinking
Viewership is what the viewer or audience depicts and what their interpretation is.
I want the viewer to find out the link between the painter and portrait.

Heuristic thinking is the action of discovering and doing for my self. – wanting to learn how to create this imagery by using my subconscious with the idea of how I portray that person with feelings and emotion.
organic forms... 

Louise Bourgeois.... 


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