BVA312, Art History week 8

BVA312, Art History  week 8

Heroes of the enlightenment - youtube.

The age of Enlightenment.

The enlightenment thinkers

John Locke 1632-1704 - English philosopher, His political thought that their was a social contract between citizen and government and if you broke that law you have no choice but to be revoked.

John Locke 1632-1704 - English philosopher, His political thought that their was a social contract between citizen and government and if you broke that law you have no choice but to be revoked.

Sir Isaac Newton - Sir Isaac Newton  was an English mathematician, physicist, astronomer, theologian, and author who is widely recognized as one of the most influential scientists of all time, and a key figure in the scientific revolution. 

Founder of modern science to conflict with the church. Is was said to obey the church is to obey the king and apparently the king was chosen by god. Everything was apparently made by god and the first humans were thrown out of heaven and that's how we cam to be... apparently... 

Yet he wanted to choose science over religion.Newtons saw the idea of an active force such as the power of gravity. He had discovered a vast and universal law, he didn't seem to care if anyone else new about it and wrote in his journal in Latin so know one will know about it. His discovery followed in invisible rules.

Mary Astell- English feminist and philosophizer - she taught her readers that all knowledge can be founded on reason and on senses

David Hume (1711-1776) - Scottish Philosopher, taking a scientific method of Sir Isaac Newtons theory.

Jean -Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) -Jean Baptiste Rousseau was born in Montreal, when Quebec was a colony of France, but became an influential fur trader, merchant, and translator under British administration of Upper Canada. His father, Jean-Bonaventure Rousseau, was a fur trader, operating out of the area around Lake Ontario.

Edmund Burke- 1729-1797 English statesmen., in favor of putting certain limits on the crown.

Marie Paulze Lavoisier, 1758-1836 French science editor , translator and illustrator. self taught English and studied painting to aid in scientific research. she and her husband studied in chemistry as her husband was a chemist. she established modern chemistry.

Mary Wollstonecraft-1759-1797- English writer and vindication of the rights of woman.

Olympe De Gouges 1748-1793 , french feminist and abolitionist, she published a declaration of the rights of woman and the female citizen.

Joseph Wright of Derby, Oil on canvas 147x203cm 

These demonstrations became the subject for paintings of the Enlightenment period. The idea of a universal law that kept everyone in place - This idea was created by Isaac Newton and his mechanical laws of Gravity.

The Rococo Period - Fluffy paintings.

Jean-Antoine Watteau, french painter

Francois Boucher 1703-1770- madame du pompadour, kings mistress was one of his most important patrons

Thomas Gainsborough 1727-1788- always sneaked in landscapes in the portraits.

Jean-Honore Fragonard (1732-1806), French painter, Known for his love scenes and risque paintings

Neo-classical period.

Jacques-Louis David 1748-1825 French Neo- classical painter,studied under 
Francois Boucher he change his paintings with the times that were changing. influenced by the eternal context of classicism. Supporter of the french revolution and Napoleon Bonaparte.

Above is a self portrait of herself.

Elisabeth Vigee Le Brun (1755-1842) painted french queen Marie Antoinette at least 30 times.The queen took interest in female paintings.


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