week 11

Sponsorship and the Creative Industries Part 1.


1 - Why do you think businesses choose to sponsor a particular event?
  • To have sympathy towards your practice or people who have a link with you. Companies also support organisations/individuals who are in the local area to show that their business is wanted. Along with stamping their logo all over the event to create interest to who ever is attending.

2 - What kind of benefits do you think a sponsor is looking for and why?

  • They are looking for something that will make money and not to give it away. They are looking for interest in the business and that you support it so other's will.

3 - What do you think are the kinds of sponsorship support a business may be able to offer your event?
  • Materials that the company makes, for free or a reduced rate (sometimes cost price)
  • Sponsorship of events or promotional materials
  • Sponsorship in-kind (e.g. allowing the use of company facilities, products or staff)
  • Advertising in company promotional materials
  • Fundraising amongst staff
  • Cash donations 
4 - What do you think most of the common form of sponsorship support and why?

  • Money towards prizes or awards. Along with maybe their own merchandise to show interest again in their business.

5 - What role do you think brand identity plays in a businesses decision to sponsor a particular event?
  • The whole idea of perception especially with "brand identity". To try and get people to attract their attention to be interested in the brand.

6 - Why is it important to understand your target audience if you are looking for a business to sponsor your event?

  • To get the right kind of people in who will support the business and may or may not give extra sponsorship.

7 - What sort of data related to target audience, do you think you should have in order to pursue a sponsorship relationship?

  • Sponsors are looking for alignment partnerships with their own core business interests. To  embody their own key values/morals and interest's.

8 - How might a lack of knowledge/information about your target audience impact your ability to secure sponsorship?

  • Not having the information and research needed to know about the business makes you look bad. As they would like to know why you chose that particular business to gain a sponsorship from. And will be declined if you have no basis of knowledge of their business...

9 - What other information may form the basis of a successful sponsorship proposal?

  • Correctly handled persistence can pay dividends; not assuming that ‘no’ means ‘never’. Going back in the next financial year and to mention that you have approached them before. That you are now showing something more interesting and worth while to their business.

10. What are some of the factors you might consider when aligning your event with a business brand? How could these decisions potentially affect your target audience and therefore your event? Discuss potential positive and negative outcomes.

  • Aligning the theme of an event with a business's brand leads to a change in the target market. For example, getting a sex shop to sponsor means that you're unlikely to expose any children to your content at all. It could also lead to a clash between multiple sponsors' brand awareness and having to accommodate to this with the event's theme.

11- What role do you think your professional networks might play in terms of a business making a decision about whether or not to support your event?

  • Whether you their kind of target market to support their business. Along with the connections they have with your network will help too.

12 - How might you measure/account for the success of your event? What kind of outcomes do you think a business would expect and how might you measure/document these?

  • Measurable outcomes.
  • Evaluation report.
  • How much of sponsorship that you got.
  • Numbers participating.
  • Surveys and questioners.
  • Start evaluation on day 1.


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