Purpose of why? week 8.


We watch a TED talk from Simon Senik today in class about the ultimate power of WHY in the marketing world.The idea came from not telling people what you are doing but why you are doing it. There for people will support why you are doing it and believe in why you are doing it. These people will support you more if they are believing you because they are there for themselves and not for you. eg: The Apple branding... He explains that there are thousands lining up to get the apple phone first because they believe in him and his marketing. Those people just want to get there first.

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Media release...

Explain in depth why you re-branded your event to THINK and CREATE. at the end contact details and media release.

Think and create, re-branding emerging artist awards...
What dates and where it will be situated
exhibition run 2 weeks starting from 25th September...
awards night held on the 8th of November, downtown campus, 25 Don street Invercargill.
needs a headline..
Date when released as well...
what time the awards night starts say 6pm.

Re-branding emerging artist awards... Think and Create.


Re-branding emerging artist awards... Think and Create.
For Immediate Media Release – 29th August 2018

In past years, our small city of Invercargill, South land has been offered an amazing event unlike no other... the community is offered an unique opportunity to experience first-hand the works of its local tertiary students in the faculty of creative industries. Over a course of a week this will happen. As well as works from a different variety of media and genres, the event features a big awards night with different kind of judges from throughout south land, which are industry professionals in art. Who will be in charge of assigning awards to the most creative of entries. “Art is the key to the future” says last year’s Emerging Artist Award winner Marcus Belowski.

This event was formally known as the Southsure Emerging Artist Awards (and Flicks Film Night). But has now got a new and exciting name of Think & Create which is a student-based and lead showcase for all students studying in the areas of visual arts, film and animation at the Downtown campus of Southern Institute of Technology, 25 Don St. Not only the students but the general public are invited with no fees attached to seeing the showcase. The exhibition opens at 6pm on the 25th of October 2018 at Raw Gallery (25 Don Street Invercargill) and concludes on Thursday the 8th of November at 6pm in an awards ceremony with the film & animation screening at the Centre Stage (33 Don Street Invercargill) which is right next door. “We are diversifying the awards in an attempt to recognize artists from each discipline, we are aiming to raise the bar on previous events and aim to exhibit works of excellence” says committee chairman Royce Trounson. The artworks, animations and films will be displayed for 2 weeks after the showcase night. Visitors who come to the showcasing night will be able to mingle with the many emerging talents of SIT’s art scene. There will also be student’s works for sale with no commission. All of the profits will be going towards the students and their professions.



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