
Marketing for South-sure Emerging Artist Awards 2018.

Key focus:

What is the purpose of your event? What is your product? Who is it for? How will you measure success/ What do you think the purpose of planning and implementing a promotional strategy is?


(1) What are the seven PS of marketing?
  • Purpose: Visual screen-arts, MC, speakers, judges annual show case.
  • Product: Entertainment, food, catering, sponsor, exposure, creative inspiration etc...
  • Place: Easily accessible, easy transition.
  • Position: Student event e.g: students work and student coordination. 
  • Price: $15 per entry, cans go to salvation army?
  • Public: students, family, friends, flatmates, old students, and art practitioners.
  • Promotion: strategy to target specific identified audience.

(2) Why is it important to know the purpose of your event?
  • So you can measure your success against your goals.
(3) What is the purpose of your event? write down some of your goals...
  • To bring your art community together and to attract the right audience with in a competitive viewing. Along with to learn how to run an event.
(4) Why is it important to define your product?
  • Recognition of a brand name, so people can recognize your event.
(5) Define your product...
  • An art show celebrating and screening end of year work in a competitive stance and art show. Also to gain an audience so we can gain more recognition to the own individual artist work.
(6) Why is it important to identify your audience? 
  • No event appeals to everyone... It's important to gain artist who network with other artist that are generally interested in art.
(7) Make a list of all the reasons you think people will come to your event.
  • Its a traditional event.
  • New artist, new artwork.
  • Films, animations, visual art's
  • Family are obliged to come.
  • Sponsor's will want to see how there money is turned into this product band how it is used.
(8) What are the 3 target markets?
  • Art student's
  • People who are interest in the product and area but are not involved.
  • People whom are already involved in the industry and want to support other's coming into it.
(9) Why should you concentrate your energy on reaching your primary target audience?
  • They are the people who will come to the event. They mare the people that will make up the number's and if you don't make the target audiences... no one will show up.
(10) What is a demographic and psycho-graphic profile and how is this used?
  • Use the demographic to understand your audiences, what can they offered and what are they offered when they come in... Along with knowing why they would come to our event and an interest for them.
(11) Identify your audience then work out which of the three target markets they fit into: primary,secondary, tertiary.
  • Primary- friends, family and flatmates
  • Secondary- People whom are interest in the art's and practices or who are involved themselves into the practices IE: Tutors and practices in the art's.
  • Tertiary- outer circle artist.
(12) Why is your choice of venue/place important?

  • To gain interest in the public eye along with being somewhere reachable and well known to the public.

 Consider and answer Nicolau's questions about choosing venues...

- They are very familiar with the venue (it most likely being center stage)
- There are easy access measures
- Our event create the expectation that it will be your usual SIT event
- The venue has everything (chairs included)
- This information is usually given at the start of the show
- If unfamiliar with the location people might have some trouble finding it, but since we start in SIT downtown we can lead people over
- People book? Dunno, good question
- There are emergency protocols in place
- Legal compliances will be adhered to
- Can seat around 300, don't know if it affects our budget since that is still up in the air
- Light, sound, and all other requirements are already there, we'll only need ushers and operators for the equipment - which we can do

(14) Why is understanding the position of your product in the market important? 

  • It is important to gain interest and value for your product. Along with value, time, effort, and understanding the level of skill and sells towards the work.

What is the position of your product in the market? How is the opportunity different from others offered?

  • The position of my product would be a growing level. Due to still studying and trying to be able to get my name out there in the art world. To gain more interest and value to the work. This opportunity is different due to all of us being at the same level. But may be more valued due to an open exhibition to show off the work to the public.
(15)What is a SWOT analysis? How does this help to promote your event?

  • a study undertaken by an organization to identify its internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as its external opportunities and threats.

For example above...



(16) What are the strengths of your event?  

  • Strengths would be the sponsors to help gain interest and the quality of the work.
  • Huge committee - lots of hands
  • Direct contact with the target market
    Organised by students - who are the target market

(17) What are your weaknesses of your event?

  • Sub-par product - uncertainty of turnout
  • Organised by students - Who are inexperienced.
  • mis-communication...
20. What are the opportunities associated with your event?
  • Opportunity for networking, meeting industry professionals
  • Experience
  • Audience exposure

21. Identify potential threats to your event.

  • Center-stage is in shambles / shaky venue 
  • Alcohol and unpredictable behavior
  • Sponsors and judges might pull out
  • Tripping hazards, there's a larger possibility of tripping
  • Earthquakes, it's a shaky venue
  • Food poisoning
  • bomb threats
  • theft

22. How will you promote the event? What publicity is available for free? List all publicity avenues - identify the various media angles and the most appropriate to receive your release. Be realistic and consider each avenue in terms of your target market.

  • Social Media
  • Posters
  • Global Distribution

23. Why is it important to write an effective media release?

24. How long should your release be?
  • Just a full page of short and quick sentences.

25. Why are headlines important?
  • Eye-catching.
  • Engaging.
  • Interest.
  • Bold.

26. Where should your main point be and why?
  • The focus is gaining interest in the show.

27. Why should your media release be free from jargon?
  • Confusion - dont want it to be informal and slang related.

28. Why is it important to understand your target market in respect to who you send your release to?
  • Clarity - To gain the interest of your target market and to add more people to the event.

29. What photographic images could you include with your release and why?
  • Relevant and appealing to the target market. To make a statement especially if the work was very high standard the year before. Along with an indication of what the show is about.

30. Why should you always follow up your media release?
  • Create an existing relationship with the journalists -  Along with making sure that they actually do what you are asking, to gain more interest.

31. How should you follow up your media release?
  • Email, phone or social media. Make sure it is easy to get in contact with you otherwise they will not bother.

32. What is a media kit? What does it include? When would you use it?
  • It's a promotional public relations tool that can serve several functions such as promoting the launch of a new company.


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