planning my audio

Audio speech : what I am going to say over top of the visuals in my film presentation;

Hi I am Sharla Clynes and this is a film presentation for my main project....


INTRODUCTION – what I want to achieve

  • I want to utilize film as another medium to further document and explore my project which is depicting BDD; Body dysmorphia through my paintings.
  • These films will showcase timelapse videos of my process, exploring different methods and reasons behind my project, To depict interviews with my models expressing their thoughts, opinions, and how they personally feel towards my main project.


"How I can use painting as a medium to explore body dysmorphia by depicting diverse nude bodies?" I am using filming to document my research and findings related to my main overall project and questioning. To help me to explore other mediums of different art forms to correlate within my body of work.


I have Experimented with different mixed mediums such as glass and reflective surface to correlated within my traditional paintings of nudes.





With the medium of film, I am hoping to give people a more in depth and intimate experience with my project to help connect the audience with the different body form.


Examples of interviews with the artist and some with the models.


Youtube examples …


1* An artist interview not based on my topic of interest. But to show how and what questions arise when the artist has been interviewed.



3* An fun styled interview on the male perspective and their bodies discussing the body image issues they have being a male.



This artist develops her work in two areas of practice " Short term projects" and "Long term projects". She focuses on creating works of "useful art" that crosses and serves a more practical function to society and showing "out of the box" works.


One of her works that relates to my work is her work "MyBrokenReality"


Uses a prosthetic tumor to show in public to confront her Body dysmorphia of people looking at her face when she doesn’t have a tumor at all.

VLOGGING – my own example


A vlogging description of what my works are about; to give an idea to the audience the topic of interest and why I am doing this for my main project. To get the audience more involved with my works.


Timelapses of my painting in the process to show experimental works. And to invite the audience on a journey through the process of my paintings.


          I am wanting this film process to be correlating with my main research and transmedia.

          By filming the overall process of how and what I work with. Adding sequence time lapses of my process.

          To create an idea of a journey through the process of the work also to add a series of interviews with my models and myself to correlate with the time-lapse of how they and I feel about the work and our own bodies.


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