
Methodology -

practice-based research - VS Practice-led research. 

Practice-led research inquires a unique methodology.
for example like with creating a film you need to start with background research, Facts, or work language that involves within the story along with personal experience. Summarizes how much you push the boundaries and break the rules as such ( what legroom you have).

With visual art its a wee bit similar to writing or in this case painting a story, background research, involvement of research with the creation of the painting. personal experience etc...

*artist models/ references
*image manipulation 
*heuristic planning and research
*background research
*personal experience
*historical research such as movements etc...
*drawing as a tool - kind of like a mind map
*exploration of different materials
*connection with the methodology.
*art direction.
*think through how you do things and make a unique process and connection to methodological bases.

How do you work through the art as you yourself do? moving between the different ways of working.

·         Methodology – explanation of the proposed methodology employed

   My project method is practice-based research and documentation research short sentence…

Using your medium as a form of inquiry - think about the components that theorize within my work.

Transmedia storytelling –  

The use of storytelling applying multiple and different platforms. Providing different entry points to gain more information and accessibility to the story being told. Giving more levels of entry for further participation and collaboration into the world that the story is being involved in (Jenkins, 2007). Relating this to my own artwork, art always has a story to tell or a question to answer. Using Transmedia storytelling will further gain information and access to what my works are about and bring a further audience to access my work. This also allows me to add different mediums within my paintings such as mixed media of reflective surface and further my experiments. This correlates into my practice-based research, gathering data of viewers and audiences of people that are exposed to my work through different platforms.

Mixed media –

Mixed media is a term used for describing artworks that are produced with the use of combining different materials and media (TATE, 2020). This started around 1912, with “Cubist Collages” from artists such as Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso. Art is therefore made from combing different things or essentially made of anything (TATE, 2020). Using mixed media such as reflective surfaces say CD’s, Aluminium foil either texture of flat, Glass, Glass bowels and water, etc… To create a warping effect on the bodies I have depicted.

Social experiment –

This is an experiment where random people are subject to a group or two. To examine and gain data to compare views on a controlled group (ENCYCLOPEDIA.COM, 2019). In my case I am using different kinds of social experiments such as a survey to my models on how they view their own bodies. Or in another case getting my models to draw their own perspective of their bodies so I can create my own interpretation of what they think they look like. This is to help further my research into how many people in my local community have issues with their own bodies and how I can help them connect with the paintings. To get them to see the beauty of the painted bodies and compare them to their own. To show that we are all just the same, just different shapes and sizes.

I am using Practice Led research to create a framework for my creative process. This concludes with ...

My overall approach to my research is a combination of Practice-based research and Practice-Led research. Starting with the exploration of different materials and how it will correlate with my topic or theme (In this case BDD - body dysmorphia). resulting in what words come out of the materials such as if it warps, the roundness of the surface. The reflective Proximatic effects etc.. And how I can use these mixed mediums within using painting as a traditional practice. along with the use of social experiments and surveys about my models' experience of their own bodies and their own perspective about themselves. To create my own perspective of their own perspective - To help connect the bodies with the audience and the models and even so the community.


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