Annotated text

Annotated text 

Suzana Dzelatovic

She states “When I'm working on my nudes, I just think how people in isolation feel: in state of self-reflection, and most intimate feeling. Speaking of  those paintings, I like to say that they are "Naked portraits“

Want to reflect this in my own work and show the reflection of one self.


Body dysmorphia effects both men and women but are not frequently discussed.

Body Dysmorphic Disorder: Gender differences and prevalence in a Pakistani medical student population - Correspondence to Ather M Taqui.

The male to female ratio of Body dysmorphia – An article discussing and comparing in Pakistan about the differences in gender who have Body dysmorphic disorder (Taqui, 2008). BDD a “Psychiatric disorder” which makes people think of themselves as a defect or distresses over the slightest flaw. Has created a conversation about the between ratio of males and females having this disorder. The method used to gain its findings was that medical students enrolled at the Karachi medical university in Pakistan. They filled out a self-report/questionnaire to record data between males and females who have BDD. The findings of this assessment had 156 students participating, out of the 156 students the male to female ratio for the people who has BDD was 1.7. – The concern of their bodies in males were varied from their hair, skin, body fat, nose etc… whereas most females where more concerned about being fat (Taqui, 2008). Relating to my own work and findings, females have more of a narrow mindset of what they do not like about their bodies. Whereas males are more varied with their and the way they think about themselves.

Taqui, A. S. (2008, april 09). Body Dysmorphic Disorder: Gender differences and prevalence in a Pakistani medical student population. . Retrieved from BMC:

Body dysmorphia: Artists tackle distorted self-perceptions.

Meltem Isik has created his subject holding up a canvas showing their depictions of their own perception of themselves. "My own personal definition of body dysmorphia is not being able to correctly identify yourself," says Scarlet Isherwood - one of the other artists who has contributed." - "Having a really kind of warped perception on the reality of how you look or how you are in real life. And that connects a lot to depression and anxiety."

This artist struck me the most because it focuses on the body and not a portrait. focusing on one particular flaw and articulating and worrying about that one flaw. Relates to my own work because I am focusing on the whole of the body and what flaw they think they have then shown that "Flaw" as something beautiful to connect with the audience or the viewer with their own body.


This artist develops her work in two areas of practice " Short term projects" and "Long term projects". She focuses on creating works of "useful art" that crosses and serves a more practical function to society and showing "out of the box" works.

One of her works in particular that relates to my work is her work "MyBrokenReality"

showing how BDD had dominated her life for over 25 years or so. she uses this as an exploration to transform and to show her recovery. 

She decided to use a prosthetic tumor attached to her face and to show herself in social outings such as showing it to the general public. To help confront the ideology of BDD and to confront the mental condition to herself and to show others that she is beautiful as well to herself.

Lucian Freud

British painter, specializing in figurative art - known as one of the foremost 20th-century portraitists. Influenced by surrealism then went towards a sort of realism 
Relating to the color pallete to my own works, the under skin tones of the greens pinks, reds, blues, and violets. Also showing where the weight falls and the depth of the figures. 

Freud, L. (n.d.). Benefits Supervisor Sleeping. 1995. new york.


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