6 arguments relating to the body of my dissertation.


Example relevance to argument
Practice-based research is used in the project in conjunction with active documentation.
This is used by blogging (Clynes, 2020) as active documentation and an ongoing survey as a social experiment to gain further data into my research. Using practice-based research to investigate my questioning to help me undertake experiments and to gain new knowledge of my outcomes. Along with undergoing Transmedia in my works, this is inviting the audience to different platforms or “socials. Such as linking my blog, website, Facebook page, Twitter, Instagram all together to give the audience another advantage point to see and get more information about my works. This will involve vlogging and posting of my works on these different platforms described above. To enable the audience to stay informed and connected with my experiments and the paintings themselves.

 Body dysmorphia effects both men and women but is not frequently discussed.

The male to female ratio of Body dysmorphia – An article discussing and comparing in Pakistan about the differences in gender who have Body dysmorphic disorder (Taqui, 2008). BDD a “Psychiatric disorder” which makes people think of themselves as a defect or distresses over the slightest flaw. Has created a conversation about the between ratio of males and females having this disorder. The method used to gain its findings was that medical students enrolled at the Karachi medical university in Pakistan. They filled out a self-report/questionnaire to record data between males and females who have BDD. The findings of this assessment had 156 students participating, out of the 156 students the male to female ratio for the people who has BDD was 1.7. – The concern of their bodies in males were varied from their hair, skin, body fat, nose etc… whereas most females where more concerned about being fat (Taqui, 2008). Relating to my own work and findings, females have more of a narrow mind set of what they do not like about their bodies. Whereas males are more varied with their and the way they think about themselves.
painting can be used as a medium to explore the connection between people who have a warped sense of their own body.
Lucien Freud – 

British painter, specializing in figurative art - known as one of the foremost 20th-century portraitists. Influenced by surrealism then went towards a sort of realism.
raw colors of greens, blues, reds, pop out from under the skin color – want to interpret this in my own works
Painting process evolves the painting starts to become combined. Connecting physically and mentally through painting and participants. – Fragmented the body and emphasizing the dysmorphic way of seeing. Dysmorphia starts in the mirror and becomes fragmented – serves to be anonymous – all bodies become the same. All presented as on and therefore becomes all of us. Not having a face makes it easier to identify with themselves and not about particular people.
When the painting process evolves, the painting then starts to become combined. Connecting physically and mentally through painting and participants. – Fragmenting the body and emphasizing the dysmorphic way of seeing. Dysmorphia starts in the mirror and becomes fragmented – serves to be anonymous – creating the idea that all bodies become the same. They are all presented as one and therefore becoming all of us. Not having a face makes it easier to identify with themselves and not about particular people.
Photographic documentation is interpreted into the painting to give an anonymous voice to those who see their own bodies as not meeting society’s expectations.

British artist, curator and etc… a series of black-and-white photos depicting segments of his own naked body, but never his face. “So, I’m using my body and saying, even though it’s a 70-year-old body, I can make it interesting,” he said of the work. “I don’t know how it happens, but when I pose for one of these photographs, I become immersed in the past...I am somewhere else, another person, or a woman in another life.
His interpretation of the human body can be represented within my own works. As I am wanting to show the creases, twists, and curves of the body.
My process will be getting reference photos to base my paintings from nude male and female models. I will be making sure to go through all ethical measures such as a release form and an anonymous survey. To make this experience unidentifiable and anonymous. Before the sessions I will be conducting a social experiment or what I call a “Meet and Greet” so that the models feel comfortable with me photographing them and for me to get a bit of insight on why they wanted to be a part of this project and how they feel about their own bodies.  paintings and will be purely focusing on the body and will not have any heads or tattoos so they can connect with everyone and be unidentified. The reference images will also be used to help give me a reference to my paintings – this will be in a closed and confined area, so the images are confidential and so the models feel furthermore comfortable that their bodies are not shown to other.

Reflective surfaces are used to reinforce how the participant's vision of their own bodies can become warped as a result of social conditioning.
Instagram verses reality – how different poses and holding the body different makes people look different, perfectly lit, angled and posed where posture is controlled and optimal angles are taken advantage of – verses a natural moving body, a natural body doesn’t look the same as being controlled. Putting a leg forward or pooping an arm out gives an illusion, then a moving body doesn’t have.
Distorted perception of what we really look like. We don’t really know what other people look like.
My process of engaging participants demonstrate the prevalence of body dysmorphia in the community.
Social media platforms, such as creating vlogs on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, my website and blog, to gain further knowledge and engagement of my project and why I am doing it.

·         Proposes possible implications of findings
Providing people as a platform to be naked – people are participating in that kind of process and are wanting to be a part of that process.
Painting process evolves the painting starts to become combined. Connecting physically and mentally through painting and participants. – Fragmented the body and emphasizing the dysmorphic way of seeing. Dysmorphia starts in the mirror and becomes fragmented – serves to be anonymous – all bodies become the same. All presented as on and therefor becomes all of us. Not having a face makes it easier to identify with themselves and not about particular people.

Isolating each body part - fragment their own bodies what they like and what they don’t like.
BOTCH - example, social mental experiment. With their bodies, pressure.
Naked attraction – completely anonymous and fragmented – a range of bodies, not just one body type, body confidence. All the bodies we see in the media are idealized bodies. 


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