Experiments Part 2.

Experiments Part 2.

Expanding on my other experiments with reflective surface - I thought I would try the surfaces reflecting onto one of my nude painting examples - To find out what angles, textures, the warped reflection that the surfaces bounced back.

Quick Time-lapse of the nude painting -

A finished example of the painted (plus-sized) nude - 

This is just a quick mock-up of a plus-sized nude painting for experimental purposes.

Reflective surface through a bowl of water

Reflecting the nude through a glass bowl and water gave a very surreal and warped effect of the Nude painting. I find this effect very effective and creates very warped and surreal angles to the nude painting. If I can find a larger bowl for the painting, it should then create a more expanded effect on the nude.

Reflective surface - reflecting onto overlapping CD's

This is just a clear reflection with natural light with the compiled CD's

Heres the subtle reflection of the nudes onto the CD's - It definitely does give a warped reflection but is very very very faint and subtle. So I may have to get a clearer reflection or a clearer angle to show the reflection. Works best in natural lighting.

I ended up using my Canon EOS1200D camera to try and get a clearer image onto the reflective surface. 

Taking the photos on the camera is definitely clearer and shows up a lot more than taking the photos on my phone. What I found out that was really effective was the effect that the light from the CD's were bouncing off onto the painting of the nude itself. Which gives it a rainbow warped effect to the nude.

 Reflective surfaces off shattered and cracked CD's

The shattered CD layout -

So the reflection on the shattered CD's didn't turn out too well as the nude didn't show up in the reflection. But however, it did show a very cool effect onto the nude - Much like the intact CD's.


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