2020 research into


This year for my main project I will be focusing my work on the female form with the use of combining mediums such as paint and reflective surfaces (I: E - CD's, mirrors, glass, and sugar.) To create the idea of the warped reflection of what we see that we are as all female body types in our own reflection and in mind is not what we really are in reality.

I created a Mind map to help create keywords for my questioning.


  • Self Reflection - Positive to Negative
  • Sub Conscious - Our personal thoughts of our own bodies.
  • Warped- Relating to reflective surfaces and our own warped thinking of our bodies.
  • Femininity - The female struggle we have with our self-confidence and negative thoughts of our bodies
  • Reflective Surfaces - Mediums such as CD's, Sugar, Mirror's, Glass, etc...
  • Self Perspective - Personal female thoughts of what we think of our bodies compared to what our bodies actually are.



* A Contemporary female nude painter.

She states “When I'm working on my nudes, I just think how people in isolation feel: in state of self-reflection, and most intimate feeling. Speaking of those paintings, I like to say that they are "Naked portraits“.
I want to reflect this in my own work and show the reflection of oneself.


*Australian/New Zealand sculpturer/painter.

Works with different mediums such as painting, photography, sculpture and video art - His work focuses on the idea of the "issues of Consciousness" - with the use of the female form. He creates sculptures by using boiled lollies and melting them down and pouring them into female cast molds. 

This artist intrigued me as the boiled lollies created a reflective surface while giving a contemporary twist on the female body. I want to interpret this reflective surface into my own work to see if I can create a warped reflection onto my nude paintings of the female form.



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