research / theory



The installation of the work has been put up in place, put in the middle of my studio. First, we had to set them up as a mock-up using tables behind the work for support while the fixtures where getting made.

side panel 1

Side panel 2

Side panel 3

Fixtures getting installed onto the installation of the works.

There on top and bottom and screwed into the sides

There supported by metal bands and screwed onto each side of the panels. They all connect with each other from top to bottom, so they have support from each other. Creating a feel of its very own room. balancing off each other. Very much better than the tables for health and safety reasons...

The finished project of the TRIAGE (part 2). as the artist myself, when I walked into this room of emotions and sister-hood. I felt an overwhelming power of emotions flowing through me. The finished product definitely gave the feeling as an audience and as an artist that I wanted. The feeling of sadness, trauma, growth, re-birth and ending with empowerment.


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