Kathryn BVA303

Kathryn  BVA303 research

The idea of body form and bodily parts or functions.

My work now has evolved into a vulnerable body manifestation of the bodily pieces molding and merging together to create a new identity.

With my three new pieces combing into one called the Triage I have focused on the folding and molding and creases of the skin. The skin then peeling off to expose the bones and the blood vessels behind it. 

The body is all in the shape and form of pieces related to the mind, the heart, the soul and the overall form of the body. The blood vessels in my work for me connects us together, which makes us to be a functioning person or functioning identity. While the bones contains our personality and holds us together to protect the soul and the vulnerability of the our personality. 

Showing the femininity of the breast and the roundness of how the skin falls, lays and molds into the skin exposing everything yet protecting everything.

While the swerves and curves of the curtain of our skin molds the form and layers us together. The idea behind the shown and hidden faces in the painting show that in a way we are a many faced personality. each face comes out when each personality shows between each other. 

Such as when I am with Ema I am loud and obnoxious, we bring out the crazy of each other. Like the relationship we have is as if we were sisters always getting up to mischief and bouncing off one another. Then when I am with Sam, Shes wise and calms me down kind of like a mother figure, a person to look up to. 

The background I feel is the most important part of my work as it exposes their vulnerabilities and feels as though they are functioning organs floating in the void, with nothing to protect the state of mind, soul and body.

These are a progression piece. They were all painted at the same time so the level of progression changes with each other and does not change the level to make one better than the other.

I wanted common sense and logic to fall with the merging of this Triage to show the true states of Dream and reality. To show the true form of us together as a bond and connection. To push through the idea of no control in be in my mind of a state of dreams and unconsciousness.

Love is a state of confusion between the real and the Marvelous to show the true function of thought and outside all moral or prosthetic manifestations. To progress according to my own impulses and not trying to us my control and gain unconsciousness for these pieces.

To constantly evolve the ideas from a female form, a breast, a rib, skin, a curtain, a ribbon or a blood vessel. Trying to push new and hidden meanings or forms to give a new interpretation to the dream i have for my own creation of my family.

The corruption of reasoning and logic...

 Below is a you tube deference to help push through my ideas....
Dada and Surrealism: Europe After the Rain documentary (1978)

Salvador Dali's paranoia critical method... To systematize confusion to the logical thought of reality.

Concrete models of irrationality... referenced from the you tube video above.

The yin and Yang theory was composed to view things in relation to the whole thing such as good vs bad, God vs Devil or even Hot vs cold. In my case it is Personality vs personality, obnoxious vs Calmness.  They are a combinations of complementary relationships to create this balanced Yin and Yang theory.

organic forms... 

Louise Bourgeois.... 

Nature study



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