BVA313, Art Theory, week 2

BVA313, Art Theory, week 2


This week we are developing a new question to link with my year long body of works. To do this we need to make a mind map to annotate what I am trying to figure out to answer my question.

Here is a visual mind map to figure out a question i want to answer to link into my years work.
Mind map,
Made in Adobe Photoshop.
These all link into one another such as the underlined lined light blue is my mixed mediums i am all working in to create my work. The this links into how i'm bringing it into a contemporary art form which then links it to the "Ism's" / movements of art. Then this all links into the idea of surrealism and using the subconscious mind with no control of the idea to create a surrealist perspective or maybe a illusion of a story the viewer makes up for himself. To create a contemporary and newly invented art movement to bring old movements into a new contemporary art form. 

Looking back from previous years I am also trying to link my 2 years of study to my 3rd year. such as using the "Inner Persona".


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