Art History, BVA312, week 3

Art History, BVA312 week 3

Baroque Period.

This week we are diving through the Baroque period, explaining a new and improved art form. This was to "get out there and grab peoples attention" this was then intended by using as the video says "Dramatic use of the dark." While also  creating a blurred movement between architecture and sculpture to push forward the intensiveness of the Baroque period. 

This is architecture and the making of a renaissance era.

Bernini's piazza
He wanted to create anything and everything to do with art. from painting, to architecture to sculpture.

Chiesa del Gesù, Chiesa del Gesù, and Basilica Santa Maria Maggiore (Baroque.)

The intent of these paintings were to give a in the face illusion and to create something as proud and vibrant whilst also being to far away to touch.
Caravaggio  created a new religious art that created a new form that was relate-able and felt close enough to touch. he set himself the task to reinvent religious art to create a new and believable movement. To help spread the "religious message".

Caravaggio wanted to convince people that these "religious beings were not very "god-like" but to bring the darkness and drama into a real life like world through art. This creates a fine line between real life and the classical style of art.

Francesco Borromini.
He creates and uses small spaces with a exact mathematical basis of geometry to create his architecture to make something new and inventive, but large in a small space.

The Seven Works of Mercy (1607)

This is also Caravaggio and he has created a emotional intensity and has captured a moment in time. using the terror of darkness to create this illusion of clarity and movement that looks like you can touch it. where as renaissance is very distant and idealized. Giving greater depth and form to the painting.

Artemisia Gentileschi,
One of the first out spoken female artist of that century, she has been suppressed, raped as a young artist. along with being in the shadow of her father as he was an up and coming artist. She was also a follower of artist Caravaggio. She was one of the earliest know female painters in the male dominated art world.

Gian Lorenzo Bernini
Sculpture of Apollo and Daphne, this is a moving kind of sculpture of a virgin Daphne and Apollo who loved her. Bernini has created this to show them moving away from each other and to grab the attention of the audience to move around the sculpture.

The differences between Renaissance and Baroque is that renaissance is very strict and restrained whilst also being very pretty with no movement. Using the terror of darkness to create this illusion of clarity and movement in paintings that looks like you can touch it. where as renaissance is very distant and idealized.


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