week 11 part 2

Funding Applications.


1. Why is it important to read application instructions?
  • You need critical understanding to complete the forms "according to instructions". Speak to someone at the organization to ask the basic questions about their decision-making process. This is to help with filling out the application form for funding.

2. Why would it be valuable to know how your application was going to be assessed?
  • So you can see where you need more help with a certain area of the funding. and re-write some of the other answers for the questions.

3. Why do you think it might be a good idea to meet with someone from the funding organisation?
  • To give you advise on what they want for an applicant and to know what you will be assessed on when funding you.
4. What are the kinds of things do you think the founder might want to know about your project?
  • Every application wants different information about your art and profession. You'll need a clear and focused intention for your goals. Along with a clear proposal to help with gaining the interest of the founder.
5. Should you include visual images in your application? How might this support the communication of your intention?
  • Make sure you can fill an application's slide or image requirement with strong professional looking work. If for example an application asks to see eight paintings, and even though you have more than eight, you feel only four are worth showing, hold off on applying until you have eight that you think make the grade. In fact, before applying for anything at all, you should have at least one cohesive completed body of work (preferably more) that you can clearly describe and tie in to whatever form of assistance you're looking for. This work should demonstrate your skills, abilities, that you're capable of producing multiple works based on a similar theme or idea, and generally show what direction you're headed in with your work.
6. Why is demonstration of a track record important in a funding application? What kinds of material could you include to show the founder you have a "track record"? If you don't have a track record how could you make the founder feel confident you will be able to implement and successfully complete the project?
  • Some organisations only support only existing art. They also require whatever work that is supported or based on merits of previous works. They want to trust the artist that they are putting their money towards.
7. Why is spelling ,grammar, and presentation extremely important in your application?
  • Thus demonstrates the all seriousness of the application. All investor's like to see a tidy application as it reflect on your work ethic.
8. How do you think the quality of photographs/images presented plays a role in how your application is received by founder's?
  • The person who looks at the application will generally look at the images first. it also showcases how your art looks and how it looks professionally. How you handle an image can reflect how you can handle a painting, animation or even a film slide.
9. Why would you need to customize your application? What does this mean?
  • Different applications are all different, the person whom is reading the application are always looking for different things in your work. If you don't it makes you look lazy and they may or may not fund you.
10. What is jargon and why should you avoid it?
  • Special words or expressions used by a profession or group that are difficult for others to understand. Such as slang words etc...
11. Should you apply to every founder to support your application?
  • Yes you should, to gain every opportunity you can get. Shows that you are constantly putting yourself pout there.
12. How could you utilize references or referees?
  • To show and gain that you have experience from people you have worked for or even character refrences.


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