week 12



Who can apply?
    • Individuals or groups can apply. 
    • Individuals must be New Zealand citizens or permanent residents.

    To be eligible for the Creative Communities Scheme, your project must have...
    • Has to take place within city or district, where the application was made.
    • Must be completed within 12 months of funding to be approved to
    • benefit local communities  

    • Must not have started or finished before CCS funding is approved
    • Must not have already been funded through Creative New Zealand’s other arts funding program's.
How to apply?

  • You need to make your application at your local or district council that runs CCS in your area. Closing dates for funding rounds vary per council. The contact person at each council can be found in the CCS local administrators contact list (above).
  • Go to your local council website and search for ‘Creative Communities Scheme’ to find:
  • an application form
  • an application guide
  • closing dates (local councils have up to four application rounds per year)
Forms you will need?
  • http://www.creativenz.govt.nz/publication-documents/422/download
  • http://www.creativenz.govt.nz/publication-documents/423/download
Assessment of forms:

  • Your application goes to an assessment committee of people from your area who are appointed for their knowledge and experience of the arts and local communities.
  • Find out how and when you'll be notified of the results at your local or district council website or from the CCS administrator.
Successful applicants:
  • If your project receives CCS funding, you must acknowledge the assistance of the scheme on any promotional material, using the local CCS logo. See the CCS logos and guidelines.
  • When your project is completed you will need to fill out a Project Completion Report. This form will be sent to you when you are notified about your grant. You need to complete and return this to your local administrator within two months of your project being completed.
Contact information:
For advice or information, call your local or district council and ask to speak to the Creative Communities Scheme administrator. For a list of CCS contacts across New Zealand, download the CCS Administrators list.

CCS Administrators

If you are a CCS adminstrator, please contact:
Phone: 09 373 3066


Image result for community trust southland

Who can apply?

The Create programe is for emerging and established creative practitioners across all art forms. It supports a range of activities and creates opportunities that will enable you to grow creatively.
Funding is available to individuals under three categories:
  • Recognition & Achievement
  • Creative Skill Development
  • Presentation, Production, Presentation, Exhibition & Touring
Total fund: $50,000 per annum
Apply: Anytime - but you do need to apply before your event has started 
Create is being piloted for two years and as a pilot it may change during this time. If there are any changes, we will make sure our website reflects all of the updates.

To be eligible?

To be eligible you have to be based in the general area of southland. Throughout the south Island they cover funding from Southland, Queenstown, Glenorchy, Arrowtown, Tapanui and Heriot areas. They only consider applications from organisations or for projects outside of this area if there is a very clear and demonstrated benefit for Southland people and Southland communities.

How to apply?

To apply to the Create Fund once in a 12 month period and applications are accepted from people who are:

  • At least 15 years of age
  • An emerging artist or established artist or practitioner
  • Undertaking their artistic activities mainly in our area
  • New Zealand citizens or a permanent residents
  • Currently living in our area (includes Southland, Queenstown, Glenorchy, Arrowtown, Tapanui and Heriot areas) and have done so for three years or more
  • Able to provide evidence of and/or demonstrate a track record of involvement in their art form
  • In addition, your project must be time limited with a definite start and end date.

Forms you will need?

If you are under 18 years of age you will need to include a completed Parent/Guardian Consent form as part of their application.
Applications are made online.
If you haven’t applied before you need to register by providing your name and email address as well as creating a password – it only takes a moment.

Once registered you can log in at any time to start an application or to access it again later, so you can work on it over time.  To help you prepare you can also download the application form so you can see the questions we ask.
https://www.communitytrustsouth.nz/  go to this site to find application forms.
Assessment of forms?

We carry out an initial review of your application to make sure you can apply.
Our staff then review your application to support Trustees in making an informed decision on the project. We will often contact you to ask further questions about your project or application.
What we look for when we are assessing your application:

  • alignment with our Arts priorities
  • degree of achievement (i.e. artistic track record) and experience in art form and the arts community
  • degree of recognition from peers, experts or recognised body
  • strength of idea, proposed project process and budget
  • impact of the proposed activity on your artistic skill development and practice
  • relevance of activity to stage of development
  • merit of workshop, conference or training event
  • potential benefits to your art form, the arts sector and the community

It takes approximately 8 weeks for a decision to be made and you will receive an email letting you know our decision.
Successful applicants?
If your application is successful, the email will outline the amount approved and any funding conditions. Read our Managing Your Funding for more information.
If your application is unsuccessful the email will outline the reasons for your application being declined.
Contact information?

If you have any further questions about funding for individuals ring 0800 500 185 or email anna@communitytrust south.nz

Image result for invercargill foundation trust


Who can apply?

Applicants are required to demonstrate with the provision of letters of endorsement and/or support that they are currently achieving at an outstanding level in their field and that the activity or event for which the scholarship application applies will provide a very clear opportunity for them to improve their skills in their art or cultural pursuit. 

Along with people in the southern area and in the ILT zone.

To be eligible?
Applicants of any age are eligible. They must be New Zealand citizens residing in Invercargill for a minimum of 12 months.

The applicant may have been accepted into a recognized school in either performing, literary, cultural or visual arts in NZ or overseas. (Documented enrollment must be provided with the application). 

Or progressing their talents at studios, exhibitions etc, with a mentor/established artist. Or wishing to undertake a project. 

The applicant’s project must be well developed with strong support material, confirming their outstanding talent as an artist. 

Documentation is required to support that this applicant would successfully complete this project and gain considerable benefit from it. It is expected that any applicant is not a full time professional artist, i.e. does not earn the majority or all of their income from their particular area of art or cultural pursuit.

How to apply?
A completed Arts/Cultural Scholarship Application Form with appropriate attachments.  Details of the project or school and the breakdown of financial costs for which this scholarship is applied for. 

Letter(s) of support endorsing the applicant’s suitability to receive financial assistance from the ILT Foundation for their chosen project. Evidence of their talent:

Applicants shall submit a portfolio of their works and/or art related achievements to date (or performance DVD or CD). Exception: 

A photograph may be substituted for a fragile work of art, or a DVD or CD of performance is acceptable, and/or list any exhibitions or similar, participated in. 

Forms you will need?


Assessment of forms?

Complete all details on the scholarship and attach relevant documents. 

If you need further help with the application, contact the ILT Foundation for advice ph: 
03 2113 751 or email info @iltfoundation.org.nz. 

Applications cannot be retrospective.

Funding applications will be considered at monthly meetings. 

Successful applicants?

They will contact you...

Contact information?

ph: 03 2113 751 or email info @iltfoundation.org.nz. 


Image result for southern trust grant


Who can apply?
The Southern Trust is always open for applications to benefit the community.

  • The Southern Trust encourages and supports the Arts across the country. They fund our iconic organisations like NZ Ballet, NZ Opera and the NZ Symphony orchestra, in particular when these organisations are bringing their performances to regional New Zealand so the experience is accessible to as many people as possible.

  • A wide variety of locally produced art festivals and performances are also supported by the Trust as well as assisting with the maintenance and upkeep of existing performance spaces.

To be eligible?
To be eligible for funding you need to be a non-profit organisation. You can be active in the areas of community, education, arts and culture or amateur sport.

If you are confident that you understand the criteria for funding applications, then you can begin the application process by completing our application form. Please note that the greater level of detail you provide us from the beginning, the easier and more efficiently we can process your request. Your application will not be considered unless it is fully completed and accompanied by all required supporting documentation.
How to apply?


Just fill out the forms with your non profit organisation.

Forms you will need?  


PDF: https://www.tst.org.nz/assets/Uploads/4c94ee88e3/Application_for_Funds_Web_Version_2015.pdf

Assessment of forms?

They assess it and will contact you back.


They will contact you.

Successful applicants?

Need to add logos and mention the trust on Facebook or any other social media site. As well as just generally promoting them.

They will contact you back for any further results.

Contact information?
The Southern Trust
245 Stuart Street, Dunedin
P.O. Box 858, Dunedin
0800 4 CHARITY

Phone: (03) 4718850
Fax: (03) 4718470
Email: info@tst.org.nz

The Southern Trust © 2018


Who can apply?

  • As an individual you must be a New Zealand (NZ) citizen or permanent resident.
  • Only NZ-based organisations can apply.
To be eligible?

You must be a New Zealand–based dealer gallery, either:
with a track record of successful presentation of NZ artist(s)/designer(s) work at reputable art fairs, or a first time art fair participant who can demonstrate their proposal is based on sound research and budgeting.

You will need a credible strategy for participation at your nominated fair. This should relate to your international market development strategy and the long-term international career goals of the artists or designers you wish to represent. If you plan to present work by a deceased artist you will need to describe how the presentation will be used to foster dialogue and create opportunities for contemporary NZ artists.

How to apply?
  1. Start your application online (you may need to register first).
  2. Gather support material, including your International Strategy and career development goals for artists/designers.
  3. Prepare a budget using our budget template.
  4. Submit your application online by 5pm on the closing date for the round.

Forms you will need?

go to that site and should take you to "download form"

Assessment of forms?

Who assesses your application

External peer assessors will assess your application. Recommendations are made to Creative New Zealand’s Senior Manager for Arts Development Services for a decision.

assess your application on

Review the assessment criteria and ensure you respond to these in your application. You will need to provide sufficient information so that assessors can review your application across these criteria.


  • The selected fair has a good reputation.
  • The fair aligns to the long-term international career development goals of the New Zealand artist(s)/designer(s); OR enhances the profile of New Zealand art through presenting the work of a deceased artist(s)/designer(s) work.
  • The networking, engagement and marketing plans are well-considered for the artist(s)/designer(s) and gallery.


Is this viable? We look the following indicators:
  • The budget is thorough and accurate
  • There is evidence of the applicant having a good track record of presenting New Zealand artist(s)/designer(s) work at reputable international art fairs
  • The applicant is capable of developing international opportunities, audiences and markets for the New Zealand artist(s)/designer(s) and gallery

Strategic fit

Is there a good fit with the purpose of this fund? We look for the following indicators:
  • There is good potential to develop the international career of the artist(s)/designer(s). 
  • There is good potential for international art sales of New Zealand art.
  • There is good potential to raise the profile of New Zealand art internationally among critics, collectors and international art galleries and museums, both public and private.

International strategy

Indicators  must have:

  • The strategy/goals are clear.
  • The target markets/platforms are well considered.
  • The strategy/goals are realistic in that time frames are achievable and resources are available.
  • This opportunity is aligned to the applicant’s international strategy or a clear rationale has been provided as to why this invitation should be accepted.

Scoring your application

This assessment scale is used to score your application:

7---Exceeds all indicators
6---Satisfies all indicators and exceeds in more than one
5---Satisfies all indicators and exceeds in one
4---Satisfies all indicators
3---Satisfies most indicators however there are minor reservations
2---Satisfies some indicators however there are major reservations
1---Does not meet the indicators
0---There is no evidence provided


Six weeks after the closing date we will email all applicants of their result.

Successful applicants?

A project completion report is required within 12 weeks of the project end date. If your report is not submitted on time you will not be considered for additional project funding

Contact information?

For more information or advice:

Image result for nz on air funding


Who can apply?

To apply for funding you must first register as an applicant with our online application system.

Once you're registered you can manage your applications through your personal dashboard, nominate supporting platforms, and update your business information.
Any applications not submitted online will not be considered.

To be eligible?

Applications must include complete and accurate documentation ‣ 

Where there is a commissioning platform the platform must have verified their support via Eric 6. Applications with significant omissions, inaccuracies or which clearly do not meet funding criteria will be declined. 

The decision to decline an application at this stage will be made by the Head of Funding

How to apply?

Your content proposal is your pitch where you describe and define the content you want to make, how and who will make it, and how you plan to reach your intended audience.

You do not need to follow this structure directly but you should address the aspects relevant to your application.

As a general rule, the higher the level of funding requested the more developed and detailed we will require your application to be.

That said, less is often best. Be clear and succinct - there are no prizes for applications with the most pages.
Make sure you refer to the round information that we will issue for each funding round.
The resource below walks you through what you will need to consider such as:
  • The quality of the idea
  • The platform your content will be on
  • How the content will be promoted
  • Budget
  • Measuring success
  • How the proposal meets NZ On Air's goals

Forms you will need?

Need to register to gain info on the application forms.

Assessment of forms?

Applications will be grouped by the Associate Head of Funding (AHoF) into like applications by topic, genre, funding request amount, or any other factors the AHoF considers relevant given the types of applications received. 

Each group of applications will be assigned to an assessor group.

Each assessor group will comprise at least two people: At least one funding team member, and one or two other assessors - either a NZ On Air staff member or an external assessor. 

This assessment stage uses an assessment rating system against investment principles which weighs the cultural case against the business case, and then like applications against like applications.

The NZ On Air assessment team will meet formally to discuss the assessment of all Stage 1 applications, and the quantum of applications compared to available funding. 

During this meeting, questions assessors had about an application will be drawn to the attention of the assessment team, and the assessment team will make the decision about whether to seek further clarification from the Producer or Platform before completing an application’s stage 2 assessment.

The assessment team will confirm finalized assessment of all the Stage 1 applications after discussion and further comparison. 2

The assessment team will confirm the finalized aggregated assessment.


They will contact you...

Successful applicants?

 They will contact you...

Contact information?

Head office - Wellington

Our main office is at:
Level 2, 119 Ghuznee Street
PO Box 9744
Wellington 6141
New Zealand

General enquiries

Phone: +64 4 382 9524
Fax: +64 4 382 9546

Media enquiries

Allanah Kalafatelis - Head of Communications
DDI +64 4 802 8380
Mobile +64 21 585 538

Image result for invercargill foundation trust

 Invercargill Licensing Trust Foundation Grant

Who is eligible to apply?
Applicants must be not-for-profit local organisations. Education, Community Groups, Sporting Groups, Arts and Culture groups. Arts Scholarships

What costs can you get funding for?

Small non-cash prizes will be considered for presentation at genuine sporting or educational prize-givings, Trophies, sashes and ribbons for genuine events, Funding applications must be future focused and applications must be submitted at least one month prior to any event or proposed purchase, Grant funding should be utilised within 6 months (unless prior approval is provided for an extension of time), Event costs, if held within Invercargill.

What costs cannot be supported?

No cash prizes. Taxes, Commercial businesses, Retrospective purchases, i.e. goods or services already incurred. Funding to individuals (unless applied for and administered by a recognised organisation to which the individual is affiliated).Events held outside Invercargill.

What documentation is required?

The applicant must fully complete both sides of the application form, with electronic signatures acceptable for online applications. The applicant must provide an outline of the organisation’s project, stating the objectives, evidence of need, timeframe to completion and a summary of expected costs. A separate budget specific to the project will be useful also. The applicant must provide a copy of the organisation’s latest financial accounts and/or audited financial accounts. Any Grant Application involving purchase of goods and/or services must include at least two competitive quotes. If this is not possible, if only one provider for the specific goods/services is available, then a written explanation to this effect must be included. If the applicant organisation has been a recipient of a previous ILT Foundation grant, the specified accountability documentation must have been received by the ILT Foundation before any further applications will be considered (except under exceptional circumstances).

How much can you apply for and how are decisions made?

There is no limit to how much you can apply for; financials indicate $400000 is the highest amount they have given out last year.

How often does the funder accept applications?

Twelve times a year, one a month with November having two and none in December.

How far in advance of your proposed project  would you need to apply?

Two weeks prior to the board meetings as listed on the website. 1 November,29 November remain this year.

Can you apply as an individual?

Yes, but only for a scholarship. Arts Scholarships are available to Invercargill residents that have attained a recognised high standard in their field.

Who would you contact if you needed further information?

The Manager, ILT Foundation, P O Box 1771, Invercargill 9840

NZ Film Commission Funding

 Who is eligible to apply?You will be able to apply for funding from the New Zealand Film Commission if you are a New Zealand citizen, permanent resident or a business registered in New Zealand.

What costs can you get funding for?
Post Production Funding - If you have finished your film and need some help to get it across the finish line, you can apply for post production funding. Depending on the scale of the work needed to finish your film, there are several options. Distribution Funding - We want New Zealand films to be seen both here and overseas. We expect all the films that we fund to be seen in New Zealand cinemas but we understand that in a competitive market your film might need help to reach its audience. Short Film Funding - Our Short Film Fund (Fresh Shorts) aims to identify the next generation of New Zealand feature filmmakers by nurturing up-and-coming talent through short film development and production. Feature Film Funding - We invest in feature films for the big screen that entertain audiences and are recognised and celebrated all over the world.  Our investment in film develops careers and attracts international business to help drive our economy. Documentary Funding - Documentaries are a vital part of our country's film industry. The Film Commission is committed to funding both short and feature length documentaries. Funding the Future - Interactive and Virtual Reality - New Zealand is a place of the imagination. Hobbits roam the magnificent landscape, dragons come to life and the Na’vi live in harmony with nature on Pandora.T alent Development Funding - Are you wanting support for your filmmaking career? The Film Commission has a number of initiatives to develop the careers of filmmakers, including those in their early stages. Māori and Pasifika Pathways - Kia ora. Talofa. Are you a Māori or Pasifika filmmaker with a story to tell? The Film Commission values cultural diversity and wants to help more Māori and Pasifika filmmakers find pathways to bring their stories to life. Travel Grants - We assist producers to travel to key international markets where they can advance the packaging and financing of their film projects. We also help short filmmakers to travel to festivals at which their films have been selected for screening. Industry Support - If you are an industry guild or some other organisation working in the film industry then the Film Commission has a number of initiatives that can help you develop filmmaking talent and upskill practitioners. Business Support - Are you a business or film industry organisation that wants to develop talent and deliver training for the New Zealand film industry? Incentives for International Productions - Want to get some financial help to bring an international production to New Zealand? The Film Commission is responsible for administering incentives for filming international productions in New Zealand. 

What costs cannot be supported?

What documentation is required?

For most funds, you apply by submitting an application coversheet and supporting materials. You should read application guidelines before starting your application. For some funds we request that you contact us for guidance before you apply. Online applications are available for some funds, and we are working toward getting all our funding applications online by mid-2018.

How much can you apply for and how are decisions made?
We offer $10,000 to new filmmakers or $30,000 to emerging filmmakers to help realise their short film idea.

How often does the funder accept applications?

How far in advance of your proposed project  would you need to apply?

Can you apply as an individual?


Who would you contact if you needed further information?
For all general enquiries, please email us on info@nzfilm.co.nz.For media enquiries, contact Jasmin McSweeney at marketing@nzfilm.co.nz. For international enquiries, email enquiries@nzfilm.co.nz.You can call us on +64 4 382 7680 or freephone 0800 659 754 within New Zealand.

 Rata Foundation Funding

Who is eligible to apply?We only accept applications from not-for-profit organisations. These include:
an incorporated society, association or organisation, which is not carried on for the purpose of providing profits or gains to any member or shareholder, and whose governing rules or constitution restrict any distribution of funds to any member or shareholder.any entity registered under the Charities Act 2005. not-for-profit educational institution or body, church or church administration organisation.if you are a small unincorporated organisation which benefits the community and has been operating under a constitution or set of rules, for at least 12 months, please contact us to discuss options for applying under an umbrella organisation.  Your organisation would need to have its own bank account, and financial statements, and have letters of support from at least two independent sources. collaborative partnerships acting as backbone organisations, should contact us to discuss how best to apply.

What costs can you get funding for?
We support operating costs and/or project costs.
Operating costs may be considered to support the operating and administration costs of community organisations.  This may include salaries, plus general overheads such as rent, power, phone and administration costs.
Project cost grants may be available to assist funding to one off community projects, events, assets or programmes.

What costs cannot be supported?
Rātā Foundation does not make grants to:
Directly fund scholarships to individuals.Fund overseas travel for groups or individuals.Other trust funds, capital funds or endowments.Underwrite fund-raising projects.Political parties or groups aligned with political parties.Support the spiritual activity of religious organisations.Fund debt retirement.Retrospective applications (projects which have been completed or cost committed before you have been informed of your funding decision). Check out application timeframes and funding decisions.Commercial organisations or for the commercial activities of not-for-profit organisations.Local government or central government departments for activities that could be deemed their responsibility.Fund expenditure related to core curriculum delivery in schools, for example computers and other ICT, basic educational resources, teachers' salaries and operational expenses (except where the cost may legitimately be part of a community based learning programme).
Projects where the benefit is outside our funding regions, which cover Tasman, Nelson, Marlborough, Kaikoura, Hurunui, Waimakariri, Christchurch, Selwyn and the Chatham Islands local authority areas.
Local government or central government departments for activities that could be deemed their responsibility.

What documentation is required?
First time applicants need to supply:
Copy of the trust deed or constitution.
All applicants need to supply:
Latest financial statements or performance report, which have been audited if required.
Minutes/resolution from your board or committee showing authority to apply to Rātā Foundation for a grant. This must include the date the resolution was made, the dollar amount requested, a description of your project request, and should be signed by an authorised signatory from your organisation.
For example on 1 December 2015, Fun Times Trust resolved to apply to Rātā Foundation for $2,000 to run a basketball holiday programme. I confirm this to be a true record. Signed the chairperson.
We ask applicants to provide two letters of support. These letters might be from a national or regional organisation, a governing body, an organisation that you are affiliated to or a community organisation or network.  The date of these letters of support must be within the last 12 months.The letter should state the organisation supports the work of your organisation and the project you are applying for. It should also endorse that your organisation is in a good position to deliver the project or programme.
If you have one of the following, please upload alongside your application:
A copy of your Ministry of Social Development Approvals letter
Evidence of accreditation from a national body
A letter of affiliation to a national or regional sports body
Evidence of registration as a licensed Early Childhood Education provider
Evidence of having completed a health and disability audit
If you are applying under the large grants programme, you will also need to include:
A full programme or project budget.
Your organisation’s strategic or business plan.
If you are applying for funding for an environmental project, you will also need to include:
You will also need to upload a management plan that has been endorsed by a relevant technical expert (s), including details of landownership, any consents, permits or licences granted/needed for the project, and how you will monitor and evaluate the project.
For all projects that involve action on the ground, you must provide a letter of support/approval from the landowner for the specific activity you are seeking funding for.  This counts as one of the two letters of support you need to provide.
You don't need a letter of support from the relevant iwi/hapu.  However, we encourage you to advise them by letter of your project.
For projects on habitat protection/restoration on private land, if a covenant is not possible, please obtain a letter from the landowner which states their commitment to maintain and keep the project in place for the duration of their ownership of the property and on sale of the property to talk to the new owner about the importance of the project.
Please remember to include all of the required information and documentation before submitting your application, otherwise your application will be put On Hold until this information is provided.  If you application is On Hold, we may withdraw your application if you do not provide the information within a reasonable time-frame.

How much can you apply for and how are decisions made?
Small Grants - < $20,000
Large Grants - > $20,000
Building Projects
Community Loans
Strengthening the Sector

How often does the funder accept applications?

How far in advance of your proposed project  would you need to apply?

Can you apply as an individual?


Who would you contact if you needed further information?
If you have any questions relating to the above contact us on 0508 266 878 and ask to speak to one of our Funding Team.

The Lion Foundation

Who is eligible to apply?
Grants are given to a diverse range of charitable causes in the areas of health, education, sports and community (which includes arts, culture, heritage and environment). With the exception of 10% of grants that support leadership at national body level, we aim to return 90% of funds back to the local community where they were raised.

What costs can you get funding for?

What costs cannot be supported?

Venue operators cannot make any decisions or recommendations about applications or receive completed application forms. No payment, commission or any other kind of reward, financial or otherwise, can be attached or demanded as a condition of either the issuing or payment of a grant.

What documentation is required?
We require two competing quotes for each item you are applying for. Once a grant is approved you must then use the quote and supplier provided within your application unless you have written permission form The Lion Foundation to use an alternative.

How much can you apply for and how are decisions made?

How often does the funder accept applications?

Funds may be granted to successful applicants once every 12 months. Applications should not be submitted less than 10 months from the date of your last grant approval. This allows for the 8 week processing time.

How far in advance of your proposed project  would you need to apply?
Grants committees meet monthly, however due to the fluctuations in the number of grant applications received in any given month, we advise applicants to allow AT LEAST EIGHT WEEKS for an application to be considered and a decision to be made. This timeframe is based on the receipt of a complete application and may be extended should we need to request additional documentation or clarification. Please be aware that The Lion Foundation Board and Regional Grants Committee’s do not meet in January.

Can you supply as an individual?


Who would you contact if you needed further information?
The Lion Foundation,
Private Bag 106605,
Auckland City, Auckland 1143
Contact Us: 0800 802 908

 Lottery Grants Board Funding

Who is eligible to apply?

To be eligible to apply for a Lottery Board grant an organisation must:
be a legal entity
have been established for at least two years
demonstrate a good grant management history
have evidence of good governance and management systems
have experience in running a similar service, activity or project for which funding is requested.

What costs can you get funding for?
Lottery grant requests must align with one of the Board’s criteria:
enhance capability and increase capacity among applicants and the community
reduce community organisation funding gaps
have regards to the needs and aspirations of Māori
consider the needs of older people, Pacific people and other ethnic communities, women and youth, people with disabilities.
Grant requests should show how they will contribute to at least one of these key objectives:
support volunteers
enable people to help themselves
promote community wellbeing and address disadvantage
promote community participation, inclusion and identity.
Applicants should also show how they:
will focus on achieving their outcomes
will work together with others to achieve common community outcomes
are responsive to the communities they serve.
What costs cannot be supported?
Lottery grants may not be used for any of the following:
repaying or servicing debt
refinancing loans, deposits or underwriting projects
commercial, political and/or religious objectives, including employment and/or business initiatives, commercial enterprises, political advocacy or projects which seek to change legislation
fundraisers and projects which seek to raise funds in or for a specific sector, or are involved with the training or employment of fundraisers
projects which seek to redistribute funding to others
overseas aid or disaster relief
alcohol and drug treatment, education and support services
medical expenses, operations, treatments or the purchase of major items of health equipment
capital investment or trust funds
projects or activities completed (retrospective funding) or items bought before the request.

What documentation is required?
The only supporting document required for a Lottery Community grant request is a budget, and that your organisation meets financial reporting requirements. Information about these can be found here.  Your grant request will be considered incomplete if you don’t provide this information by the closing date for the funding round, and will not be considered for funding.If your request is for minor capital works, you will also need two quotes for building or renovation costs.
If your request is approved, you may use the grant for any costs in your budget, except for:
any item that is not eligible
any cost that is excluded when the grant is approved.
There is more detailed information about budgets here.organisations also need to check that the information on your community organisation profile is up-to-date at the time you submit your grant request.

How much can you apply for and how are decisions made?

The most they have funded in the past two years was $135,000 to the Community Networking Trust Eastern Southland Inc; and as little as $500 to the Roslyn Maori Hill Playcenter.
There are 22 Lottery committees distributing grants on behalf of the Lottery Grants Board, including the Lottery Hurunui Kaikoura Marlborough Earthquake Relief Fund and the Rangitaiki River Stopbank Breach Recovery Fund. Each Lottery committee considers how well a grant request:
meets its own outcomes and funding priorities
aligns with the Lottery Grants Board’s key request criteria and funding objectives
responds to community needs.
The proposed outcomes and benefits to the community, the feasibility of the proposed project or service, and the ability of the applicant to deliver what they propose are central to decision-making on grant requests.

How often does the funder accept applications?
Twice a year.

How far in advance of your proposed project would you need to apply?
2018 funding round one closes:
 CLOSES – WEDNESDAY 18 JUL 20182018 funding round one grant decisions will be advised after the committee meets by:
Can you apply as an individual?

Who would you contact if you needed further information?
FIND US: Call the Contact CentreFreephone: 0800 824 824 (Monday to Thursday 8:30am-5pm, Friday 9am-5pm) Email: community.matters@dia.govt.nz


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