week 2...

Job Internship...

Today we are learning about internships and how we can try and get one. Along with discussing salary rate, interviews, how to get an internship and networking within our career choices.

BVA203 Research-Led Industry Practice : Practice-Based Admin.

what is an internship? 

  • the position of a student or trainee who works in an organization, sometimes without pay, in order to gain work experience or satisfy requirements for a qualification.


What is a CV?
  • A curriculum vitae is a written overview of a person's experience and other qualifications for a job opportunity. It is akin to a résumé in North America.
What would you put in a CV?

  • Education.
  • Contact details, phone number and email address.
  • Skills.
  • Statement of who you are and what you are wanting to do.
  • Aspirations... These can also go into your cover letter.
  • Referees, minimum 2, max 3 (these are who you have worked under.)
  • Character reference (professional work colleague, or teacher.) People who advocate for you.
  • Need to ask permission and contact details for references (referees are apart of your network.)
  • Community work/volunteer work.
  • Social things, such as sport's and team work social events.
  • Extra curricular things.
  • Employment history.
  • DO NOT PUT AGE, as they could prejudice.
  • Linkdin profile.
  • Work you have done IE: committees.
  • Breakdown of the relevant skills associated with employment history.
  • Employment history from most recent (time frames.)
  • Current study status., finished first year having a level 5 diploma.
  • Recent employment, community etc work within 10 years.
  • Explain the relevance of your skills and experience.
  • Explain that you have skills in Excel, Microsoft office, Adobe Software etc...
  • Interest's/Hobbies.
  • Prizes and awards (achievement's.)
  • Publication's.
  • Conference paper's.
Presenting the CV?
  • One font
  • Clear and tidy.
  • Nicely presented, where everything lines up.
  • Neat.
  • Easy to understand.
  • Not too fancy.
  • Clear and quick to read.
  • Simple is practical.
  • No weird fonts.
  • Avoid any kind of color and colored paper.
  • No fold creases make sure it is flat, to make it presentable.
  • Printed on nice, crisp, white paper.
  • No generic CV or Cover letter.
  • Find out as much as possible about the interviewer.
  • Do your research on the person.
  • Explain yourself .
  • Look tidy and dressy (presentable.)
  • Good dress code.
  • Shave.
  • Hair cut
  • Brush teeth.
  • Preparation and confidence.
  • Hygiene.
  • Body language (nod).
  • Eye contact.
  • Not stoned or drunk.
  • Humor.


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